Read-only Symlinks

From what I gathered it’s not possible to implement general support for symlinks without affecting the stability of the nextcloud server due to infinite loops.
However, what about read-only access to a symlinked folder, where all symlinks further down the directory tree are ignored? I’d assume that this would answer many use cases for symlinks already.
E.g., often times I’d like to share videos, pictures (most of which I manage over smb or ssh) or other large files that are not within my nextcloud data folder over nextcloud. I cannot even efficiently hard-link or just mv them into the data directory followed by a rescan, as they reside on a different file system. So the only option that I’m left with right now is to copy the data to the nexcloud data folder, which is highly suboptimal for large files that you just want to share via read only access.

If this approach is easier then a file having multiple paths, like google drives, this would work for me.
