Read-only calendar for clubs

Dear community,

I am using NextCloud 11.0.3 an I am curious, if it is possible to create a “club calendar” which is read-only for every user except one or two administrators, who should have permissions to update it.

The minority of users will be NextCloud users, so there is a need to publish the calendar in a plattform-independent format like *.ics.

Does NextCloud support this? Tanks for any advice!

Not sure, if I get you right.

You can share any calendar out of nextcloud. Just click on the symbol (open triangle) near the calendar name and click the checkbox. Then click on the link symbol and the new calendar opens. Then you see a download button for an ics file and on the lower left corner you find an iframe code as well as CalDav and iCal links.

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Great, this seeams to be the possibility I was looking for. Thank you very much!

I’m looking for the same thing. And I don’t see what you describe. In the new calendar window that opens when I click the link symbol, I see two buttons on the top right: Download and Subscribe.
Download would be a static ICS file; when I click “Subscribe”, nothing seems to happen.
(where’s the manual, btw?)
Bottom left, there’s the “Embed” link.
No CalDAV or iCal links. These I can only see on the calendar I’m trying to share (publicly).

Ok, finally figured it out. Works great; one Nextcloud calendar for the admins to update, shared to another one in read only mode for the members to subscribe to.