Problems using tutorials

Hi everyone,

I’m a totally beginner in programming apps for Nextcloud (not programming as such).
For this I tried starting with the tutorials provided here:
But starting with the first “HelloWorld” tutorial I run into problems:

  • on creating an app skelleton here I could not find the posibility to chose the Nextcloud version
  • after downloading and extracting skeleton I could not find all the directories and files like described in the turorial

My question is: Is the tutorial or the skeleton generator outdated or do I something wrong?
Whe I put the extracted skeleton to my apps directory and enable the app it works like described: I get a empty page.
But I can’t go further in the tutorial cause some files are missing in the skeleton, e.g. the routes.php.
Can someone please help?

The tutorial seems outdated.

The routes are now defined in the controller classes: e.g. #[ApiRoute(verb: 'GET', url: '/api')] replaces one entry in the routes.php.

Unfortunately, I am quite busy these days but if you have questions, I try to answer as best I can.


@Daphne do you know someone who can help with this?

Thanks @christianlupus!
Seems that was the kick I needed. After some more searching I found here the developer manual to understand the secrets behind the app development and from there also the link to the PHP-API, so that I can go ahead :grin:.
Since I’m a software developer (OK - currently and since the last 20 years “only” for C# an WPF, but now I will dive into PHP, JS, HTML an Vue) I’m confident that my project will become successful. :crazy_face:
If I have detailed problems, i will come back to this forum :wink:

Regards Steffen

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Hey, if you’re still here, I was just able to fix the code to get the HelloWorld app running again. I will try to get the tutorial updated as soon as possible, but for now, here is the code that needs to be placed in ./lib/Controller/PageController.php:



namespace OCA\HelloWorld\Controller;

use OCP\AppFramework\Controller;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\Attribute\FrontpageRoute;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\Attribute\NoAdminRequired;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\Attribute\NoCSRFRequired;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\TemplateResponse;
use OCP\IRequest;

class PageController extends Controller
	public function __construct($appName, IRequest $request)
		parent::__construct($appName, $request);

	#[FrontpageRoute(verb: 'GET', url: '/')]
	public function index(?string $getParameter): TemplateResponse
		if ($getParameter === null) {
			$getParameter = "";

		// The TemplateResponse loads the 'index.php'
		// defined in our app's 'templates' folder.
		// We pass the $getParameter variable to the template
		// so that the value is accessible in the template.
		return new TemplateResponse(
			['myMessage' => $getParameter]

hi! I have made the adjustment of @edward in the original tutorial. I will soon schedule some time to also check the other tutorials. I have also removed the Nextcloud version note about the app skeleton generator.

I have not tested the turorial myself just now, but I will try to find some time later this week to test it.

I’m sorry, some refactoring was done and we forgot to update the tutorials. I will soon schedule time to check the other tutorials too. Thank you so much for reaching out!