Problem with user folder name

I assumed an OwnCloud installation, and migrated to Nextcloud. However, I can’t find a method to change the user or his home folder. Nextcloud creates a folder named We use LDAP for authentication. When using the method available by the LDAP App, I lose users’ files, their shares and also data from other apps (Deck and etc). Has anyone had a similar case?

I left some screenshots showing what happened.

Nextcloud version _(24.0.2)
Debian 11
Apache version _(2.4.48)
PHP version _(8.0)
MySql version (8.0.26)

![conta atual|690x495](upload://sUra3JAx8wF0VSEYLDzKBGdAYT4.png)
![conta teste - certo|690x495](upload://mpm73sKugjK10Phqh8E42ZbP8Rw.png)
![home dos users|690x448](upload://sFKVijdtxkcH96tmx6Bcik4NyY6.png)
![nome do usuarios|690x410](upload://lp3JpPsnvfZohvgQyMtyj4irTrX.jpeg)