Problem setting proper storage path

just installed 25.0.3 following an excellent description on my ubuntu 22.04.1 lts. Now comes the part that makes me pull out my hair - I installed and use the zfs filesystem on that ubuntu server and would like to set the nc storage path on said zfs volume. Whenever I do it by hand, I can change directories there with ease, adjusted chmod + chown - nc says the path is not writable (I can even write there with an underprivileged user who is only in the group …
Then I thought to blindsight nc , created a symlink in /home/data that points in the volume … no luck …

But even when I deleted the symlink and created /home/data with correct rights and mod - nc does not accept it.

So I ended with the “good old” /var/www/nextcloud/data … and could finally install … then I tried changing the database to reflect the path I want to use - only nc ignores it and created another data entry in that table that again points to /var/www/nextcloud/data.

As this is a security risk I’d like to change that - what is the suggested way to configure the storage after nextcloud is installed ?

And is it possible to set the storage on my zfs volume?

hello @eagle275 welcome to the forum :handshake:

please use search function, many problems have been discussed already.

There is wonderful thread about moving data directory after installation

Thx will reinstall as I just installed without using nc much. I just uploaded some testvideos …

DId reinstall - problem remains.

I created a directory for my cloud

mkdir /vol0/cloud
chown’d and chmoded it for 755 and www-data:www-data
then created a symlink
ln -s /home/data /vol0/cloud
chmod+chown that as well same as above

then copied content of /var/www/nextcloud/data to /home/data

I clearly see the .oc-data file in my data-dir … but nextcloud doesnt accept /home/data/ as my data-dir in the installation-dialog

Do I need to set it up for a different user:group ?
again - I’m using ubuntu server 22.04.1 on raspberry pi4 and /vol0 is a ~12 TB zfs volume

And resolved … followed a different tutorial and set it up using docker … done