PDF Viewer not working after upgrade to 21.0.1


My problem got resolved after disabling mod_evasive and changing mod_security to Detection_Only

Hi sthatte,

Do I have to do this changes in a config file?
Can you please tell me in which one?

Thanks for your answer and thanks for your help

It depends whether you have these modules installed or not, if not then the issue is something else.

On ubuntu

apachectl -M | grep evasive

evasive20_module (shared)
#Comment all the lines in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/evasive.conf

For mod_security
apachectl -M | grep security
security2_module (shared)

Change in /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf
SecRuleEngine On
SecRuleEngine DetectionOnly

The nextcloud runs on my webspace.
I will search and try to change it

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