OnlyOffice server without 20 connections limitation (Debian Package)

WARNING. Please check my new topic with updated instructions: OnlyOffice server with no limits (2022) instead of this old one.

I would like to share with you a new way of building OnlyOffice from source code which outputs a Debian Package.

That means that you do not need setup Docker in order to run OnlyOffice CE but only a recent Debian/Ubuntu system.

You can also download the already built Debian package from the same url.

Three warnings that you need to know:

  • This is not an official OnlyOffice build. (You can always build it on your own if you want to.)
  • This is meant to be used in conjunction with traditional Nextcloud OnlyOffice app . This is not the same thing as the Community Document Server App which works embedded into Nextcloud.
  • This build does not include Mobile Edit back into it as other builds do.

WARNING. Please check my new topic with updated instructions: OnlyOffice server with no limits (2022) instead of this old one.

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