OnlyOffice compiled with Mobile Edit Back

Could you create a version 7 docker container please?

I have not created a docker container for version 7, however if the information posted above in regards to mobile editing (post by @Mageunic), you could build the container from existing image using docker build by making a dockerfile whereby you could copy the 3 files into the image during the build. I think that would be actually easy to accomplish. I’m not saying it would give you mobile editing back, however it would be a start.

works like a charm, thank you!

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…except the fact that editing features are missing.

Hi @anon78853765, have you tried my method?

Hi @Mageunic yes it works. Editing menu/features are gone but it is possible to write, delete and save. This is okay :slight_smile:

@anon78853765 , yes I saw this too … I’m trying to find a solution but nothing for the moment


A current patched docker container would be amazing, if someone would be able to through one together.

Add the following entry point to docker-compose file.

entrypoint: bash -c "sed -i 's/isSupportEditFeature=function(){return!1}/isSupportEditFeature=function(){return 1}/g'  /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/apps/*/mobile/dist/js/app.js;/app/ds/;"


Would you be able to give a format compatible with using --entrypoint please? I’m using unRaid, and thus need to pass on something useable with the docker run command. I’ve been try to do it myself with no luck.

you can also manually edit after creating container like described in answer marked as solved:

just go into container: docker exec -it NAME bash
open those files mentioned there (without sudo for me)
then press β€œctrl + backslash” to replace that one entry per file

Maybe someone from OnlyOffice can change the text on their website:

Web, desktop, mobile
With ONLYOFFICE, you can work online from any browser and OS, edit docs offline with the free desktop apps for Windows, Linux, and macOS, as well as use free mobile apps for Android and iOS.

The description on their website it’s technically true, the mobile app is free, just need to pay some thousands for the server to unlock extra features :wink:

There is also a Home Server license for €139. Prices for ONLYOFFICE Docs Enterprise Edition | ONLYOFFICE

With unRaid – it can’t make use of docker-compose files? Just curious

From Back to school with ONLYOFFICE in 2022

Use the code HOMESTUDENT code to get 50% discount and get ONLYOFFICE Docs Home Server for just $75 until 15 September 2022.

It’s not officially supported, but there is a plugin that adds it.

Portainer also works, which I use for the couple of stacks I have.

unRaid uses a custom Docker management system called dockerMan, which isn’t intended to be used with compose. And my nextcloud and openoffice things are currently run though this.

Both the Android and the iOS app have been recently (quietly) open-sourced it seems, so the responsive-ness of the web-interface seems less important now. I guess some Windows tablet users could still benefit from it?

Thank you for the solution!
In version 7.2 these files are read-only :slight_smile:
Any new solution?

P.S. Nevermind the changes was saved and mobile editing works again

Are you saying mobile editing is back or?