One directional folder sharing (cloning)

I love that I can share a folder with another user, but there is one feature that seems to be missing.

The ability to share in one direction.

IE: I share my folder with someone and my files get COPIED into their area when they are created. But then the user can delete them without deleting my copy of the file.

I am not sure how we would want to implement this sort of thing exactly. My thought is to add an option to CLONE or ONE DIRECTION or such as the title, then when I create a new file, that one gets copied over to the user. From that point on, they can do what they want. Edit, Delete, Create new files, doesn’t matter. Because nothing they do will ever come back to my folder.

That is the most simple method I can think of. My current use case is that my wife and I share our phone camera folders with each other. Neither of us can delete at the moment. This means that her image folder gets huge because she doesn’t clean up her camera but I do. And yet I cannot clean up her shared folder. It also means that images that I share with her vanish because I go and clean up my camera folder. This one directional / clone mode would mean we get all the images, but we can then clean up or not clean up as we want without impacting the original folder.

If there is a sharing app that already does this, that is great but I can’t seem to find it.

I don’t think there is such a thing. But you can make your files readable and if someone is really interested in your files, he or she can copy them all into their own folders. From then on, everyone can do what they want with the files.

Conversely, you can share a folder and it really is shared. If someone deletes, the files in the shared folder are gone.