小ollabora affects MS-document formatting

There is a problem.

小ollabora opens documents to the rights read + write
If open the MS-document(doc,docx,xls,xlsx) in Collabora, in some documents damage formatting of document. If it saved when exit (even without changing anything in the document), and further use of it becomes impossible on the local computer in MS Word or MS Excel, becouse formatting permanently damaged.

Is it possible to open documents with read-only access, and save documents only after you click save?
Or open the document with the rights originally only read, but to be able to include document editing?

Collabora 2.0 and Richdocuments v1.1.14 installed.

Thank you.

Nextcloud version 10.0.1
CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511
Apache 2.4.6
PHP Version 5.6.26