Offline Desktop client?

Does anyone know if there is a Linux (and maybe Windows) client for Deck? I would like something that works offline, but I also understand if there is none. :smiley: Just curios. I tried googling, but didn’t find one.

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At the moment you can access to Deck via browser and the (very early beta version) of the Android Deck app. There is no Linux (and maybe Windows) client for Deck

Thanks for the answer!

Hi is there any news when Deck will become offline available? A must for a project organisation tool in my opinion…

As soon as someone picks up the corresponding issue and contributes code to solve it :wink:

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While its not providing you with off-line support, I do use a Single-Site-Browser to create a “desktop” application for Deck. Obviously if there is no connection, then you cannot update the boards.

I am using a different approach for Deck as app.
I am using Firefox and am having 2 addons:

  1. popup window and
  2. Web App Mode that is configured with: https://cloud.<domain>/apps/deck/*
    So if i click on the Deck icon in the NC client, deck opens in a plain window without any bars and tabs.
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Is there a way to connect deck to another task management local software?


On Linux, the developpers of Planify asked the community if they wanted it to be able to edit Deck cards.

see post from the 27th of january.

Right now, Nextcloud tasks are only supported through CalDAV, and it can’t edit Deck cards.

Planify already is compatible with a Kanban workflow, but with Todoist.

You could come and help push for such a compatibility.