Occ file:scan path for __groupfolders

how can i specify the --path= parameter for occ for __groupfolders?

I am trying to listen for changes inside of my ubuntu server to sync it on changes to one specific groupfolder in my nextcloud instance.

works great when i use

sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan --all

as well as with paths if i use not __groupfolders:

sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan --path=“philip/files/thisprivatefolder/”

but __groupfolders is not accepted for files:scan requires /files/ to be leading path

I tried --path=“philip/files/path/to/the/groupfolder” which does not throw errors but also does not seem to find the data my server just placed into __groupfolders/path/to/the/groupfolder

how can i scan shared / group folders then?

worked it out myself. posting for future reference:

–path=“philip/files/path/to/the/groupfolder” did not work because philip did not create and therefore did not own the directory that the groupfolder was in.
Using the username of the user who owns/created the directory that the groupfolder resides in, does work and syncs all directories accordingly