Notifications does not work for everyhting

In Nextcloud settings I have enabled for every users email notfitications for :

A new file or folder has been created
A file or folder has been changed or renamed
A file or folder has been deleted
A file or folder has been restored
A file has been added to or removed from your favourites
A file or folder has been shared

Right now only notification for a shared folder with the user works.
Once a folder is shared with another user an email is sent to the user whom it is shared with.
But if the user whom it is shared with create a folder or a file, nothing is sent to the owner. (even if the shared folder is in its favorites)

If the owner write a file in the shared folder, nothing is sent to the users whom the the folder is shared with.

If I look in the activity panel, I can see everything for every account.
I changed the cron method to cron it did not help.

I already read a lot of post about it and applied also all recommandation from here :

But it did not helped.

Any help would be very appreciated.

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