i am trying to add a usb drive as a main storage for videos and photos.when i click on external storage under admin services, local option is not listed.i was able to get it to work with installing NC but decided to try NC AIO.
debian bookworm
drive is mounted and i have www-data as well as user added.
i switched to NC AIO due to ssl cert issues and finally got that fixed.
i have googled and asked on reddit,so far no luck.i followed some tutorials and the documentation listed on NC itself for adding.i am not able to do so at all.
thank you for your reply.i have tried that ,many times before with no luck.even with a new installation.yet no local option in storage on NC AIO shows up.not sure if there is another way or not.
It is the Docker command or Docker Compose file you used to install/deploy AIO.
How did you deploy/run AIO?
You said you’ve “tried that many times before” when szaimen posted the link to the doc section that describes how to add a local mount. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding or misstatement?
to install aio as well as try to mount the external drive with no luck.i did try multiple times even using clean installs to be safe.all came out the same.i actually copied and pasted the commands as i know typing,i make mistakes.
it is weird how when i install and run “regular” NC,i have the option but installing and running AIO.i have no option at all.
All docker run options need to be specified before the image name. Anything after the image name (nextcloud/all-in-one:latest in this case) is passed by Docker to the running container as a command+argument (which is not what you want here). See Docker’s documentation here.