"No connection" after reboot Linux Mint & Windows 10

Hey guys,
I have a little big problem with a nextcloud server. I can set up the client without any problems and it will run fine. Everything is working, sync with the server, upload files … but after a reboot (PC Windows 10 / Notebook Linux Mint) the nextcloud client can’t connect to the server. The only working solution is to delete the user from the client and create the connection as new. (no changes on the server) After that it is the same, everything works well until the computer reboots.

I would be grateful for help and ideas. Unfortunately, I am at the server only user and can make no changes there.

thanks, saigo

1 Like

Same here, i tried to reinstall the client, but no luck.

Here is a log from the Starup, i hope this help:

04-22 21:51:03:118 0x4f67938 OCC::Account::resetNetworkAccessManager: Resetting QNAM
04-22 21:51:03:119 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth: Checking server and authentication
04-22 21:51:03:120 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth: Trying to look up system proxy
04-22 21:51:03:146 0x4f67938 OCC::SocketApi::slotNewConnection: SocketApi: New connection QLocalSocket(0x75568c8)
04-22 21:51:03:120 0x89fbde8 OCC::SystemProxyRunnable::run: virtual void OCC::SystemProxyRunnable::run() Starting system proxy lookup
04-22 21:51:03:147 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::systemProxyLookupDone: No system proxy set by OS
04-22 21:51:03:149 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::CheckServerJob created for “https://cloud.example.com” + “status.php” "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
04-22 21:51:03:330 0x4f67938 OCC::CheckServerJob::finished: status.php returns: QMap((“edition”, QVariant(QString, “”) ) ( “installed” , QVariant(bool, true) ) ( “maintenance” , QVariant(bool, false) ) ( “needsDbUpgrade” , QVariant(bool, false) ) ( “productname” , QVariant(QString, “Nextcloud”) ) ( “version” , QVariant(QString, “”) ) ( “versionstring” , QVariant(QString, “11.0.2”) ) ) 0 Reply: QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x7556a78)
04-22 21:51:03:331 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::slotStatusFound: ** Application: ownCloud found: QUrl( “https://cloud.example.com/status.php” ) with version “11.0.2” ( “” )
04-22 21:51:03:332 0x4f67938 OCC::AccountState::slotConnectionValidatorResult: AccountState connection status change: “Undefined” -> "Credentials Wrong"
04-22 21:51:03:332 0x4f67938 OCC::AccountState::setState: AccountState state change: “Getrennt” -> “Konfigurationsfehler"
04-22 21:51:03:334 0x4f67938 unknown: QString::arg: Argument missing: “https://docs.nextcloud.com/desktop/2.2/” , 2
04-22 21:51:03:334 0x4f67938 unknown: QString::arg: Argument missing: “https://docs.nextcloud.com/desktop/2.2/” , 2
04-22 21:51:03:336 0x4f67938 OCC::FolderMan::slotAccountStateChanged: Account "User@cloud.example.com” disconnected or paused, terminating or descheduling sync folders
04-22 21:51:03:337 0x4f67938 OCC::Account::resetNetworkAccessManager: Resetting QNAM
04-22 21:51:03:338 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth: Checking server and authentication
04-22 21:51:03:339 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth: Trying to look up system proxy
04-22 21:51:03:339 0x89fbde8 OCC::SystemProxyRunnable::run: virtual void OCC::SystemProxyRunnable::run() Starting system proxy lookup
04-22 21:51:03:341 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::systemProxyLookupDone: No system proxy set by OS
04-22 21:51:03:343 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::CheckServerJob created for “https://cloud.example.com” + “status.php” "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
04-22 21:51:03:517 0x4f67938 OCC::CheckServerJob::finished: status.php returns: QMap((“edition”, QVariant(QString, “”) ) ( “installed” , QVariant(bool, true) ) ( “maintenance” , QVariant(bool, false) ) ( “needsDbUpgrade” , QVariant(bool, false) ) ( “productname” , QVariant(QString, “Nextcloud”) ) ( “version” , QVariant(QString, “”) ) ( “versionstring” , QVariant(QString, “11.0.2”) ) ) 0 Reply: QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x8af8960)
04-22 21:51:03:518 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::slotStatusFound: ** Application: ownCloud found: QUrl( “https://cloud.example.com/status.php” ) with version “11.0.2” ( “” )
04-22 21:51:03:519 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkAuthentication: # Check whether authenticated propfind works.
04-22 21:51:03:519 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::PropfindJob created for “https://cloud.example.com” + “/” "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
04-22 21:51:06:096 0x4f67938 OCC::OCUpdater::backgroundCheckForUpdate: virtual void OCC::OCUpdater::backgroundCheckForUpdate() checking for available update
04-22 21:51:06:327 0x4f67938 OCC::NSISUpdater::versionInfoArrived: Client is on latest version!
04-22 21:51:30:518 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotTimeout: virtual void OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotTimeout() OCC::PropfindJob(0x7681910) Timeout QUrl( “https://cloud.example.com/remote.php/webdav/” )
04-22 21:51:30:518 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished: void OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished() 5 “Operation abgebrochen” QVariant(Invalid)
04-22 21:51:30:518 0x4f67938 OCC::PropfindJob::finished: PROPFIND request not successful, http result code is 0 ""
04-22 21:51:30:519 0x4f67938 unknown: QIODevice::read: device not open
04-22 21:51:30:519 0x4f67938 OCC::AccountState::slotConnectionValidatorResult: AccountState connection status change: “Credentials Wrong” -> "Timeout"
04-22 21:51:30:519 0x4f67938 OCC::AccountState::setState: AccountState state change: “Konfigurationsfehler” -> "Netzwerkfehler"
04-22 21:51:30:519 0x4f67938 OCC::AccountSettings::showConnectionLabel: “Keine Verbindung zu Nextcloud auf https://cloud.example.com
Operation abgebrochen"
04-22 21:51:30:521 0x4f67938 unknown: QString::arg: Argument missing: “https://docs.nextcloud.com/desktop/2.2/” , 2
04-22 21:51:30:521 0x4f67938 unknown: QString::arg: Argument missing: “https://docs.nextcloud.com/desktop/2.2/” , 2
04-22 21:51:30:523 0x4f67938 OCC::FolderMan::slotAccountStateChanged: Account "User@cloud.example.com” disconnected or paused, terminating or descheduling sync folders
04-22 21:51:35:096 0x4f67938 OCC::Account::resetNetworkAccessManager: Resetting QNAM
04-22 21:51:35:097 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth: Checking server and authentication
04-22 21:51:35:098 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth: Trying to look up system proxy
04-22 21:51:35:098 0x89fbde8 OCC::SystemProxyRunnable::run: virtual void OCC::SystemProxyRunnable::run() Starting system proxy lookup
04-22 21:51:35:101 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::systemProxyLookupDone: No system proxy set by OS
04-22 21:51:35:102 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::CheckServerJob created for “https://cloud.example.com” + “status.php” "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
04-22 21:51:35:282 0x4f67938 OCC::CheckServerJob::finished: status.php returns: QMap((“edition”, QVariant(QString, “”) ) ( “installed” , QVariant(bool, true) ) ( “maintenance” , QVariant(bool, false) ) ( “needsDbUpgrade” , QVariant(bool, false) ) ( “productname” , QVariant(QString, “Nextcloud”) ) ( “version” , QVariant(QString, “”) ) ( “versionstring” , QVariant(QString, “11.0.2”) ) ) 0 Reply: QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x8af6930)
04-22 21:51:35:283 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::slotStatusFound: ** Application: ownCloud found: QUrl( “https://cloud.example.com/status.php” ) with version “11.0.2” ( “” )
04-22 21:51:35:284 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkAuthentication: # Check whether authenticated propfind works.
04-22 21:51:35:284 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::PropfindJob created for “https://cloud.example.com” + “/” "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
04-22 21:52:02:280 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotTimeout: virtual void OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotTimeout() OCC::PropfindJob(0x8b549c8) Timeout QUrl( “https://cloud.example.com/remote.php/webdav/” )
04-22 21:52:02:281 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished: void OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished() 5 “Operation abgebrochen” QVariant(Invalid)
04-22 21:52:02:281 0x4f67938 OCC::PropfindJob::finished: PROPFIND request not successful, http result code is 0 ""
04-22 21:52:02:281 0x4f67938 unknown: QIODevice::read: device not open
04-22 21:52:02:281 0x4f67938 OCC::AccountSettings::showConnectionLabel: “Keine Verbindung zu Nextcloud auf https://cloud.example.com
Operation abgebrochen"
04-22 21:52:02:283 0x4f67938 unknown: QString::arg: Argument missing: “https://docs.nextcloud.com/desktop/2.2/” , 2
04-22 21:52:02:283 0x4f67938 unknown: QString::arg: Argument missing: “https://docs.nextcloud.com/desktop/2.2/” , 2
04-22 21:52:02:285 0x4f67938 OCC::FolderMan::slotAccountStateChanged: Account "User@cloud.example.com” disconnected or paused, terminating or descheduling sync folders
04-22 21:52:07:095 0x4f67938 OCC::Account::resetNetworkAccessManager: Resetting QNAM
04-22 21:52:07:096 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth: Checking server and authentication
04-22 21:52:07:097 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth: Trying to look up system proxy
04-22 21:52:07:098 0x89fbde8 OCC::SystemProxyRunnable::run: virtual void OCC::SystemProxyRunnable::run() Starting system proxy lookup
04-22 21:52:07:101 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::systemProxyLookupDone: No system proxy set by OS
04-22 21:52:07:101 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::CheckServerJob created for “https://cloud.example.com” + “status.php” "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
04-22 21:52:07:283 0x4f67938 OCC::CheckServerJob::finished: status.php returns: QMap((“edition”, QVariant(QString, “”) ) ( “installed” , QVariant(bool, true) ) ( “maintenance” , QVariant(bool, false) ) ( “needsDbUpgrade” , QVariant(bool, false) ) ( “productname” , QVariant(QString, “Nextcloud”) ) ( “version” , QVariant(QString, “”) ) ( “versionstring” , QVariant(QString, “11.0.2”) ) ) 0 Reply: QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x8af8e60)
04-22 21:52:07:283 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::slotStatusFound: ** Application: ownCloud found: QUrl( “https://cloud.example.com/status.php” ) with version “11.0.2” ( “” )
04-22 21:52:07:284 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkAuthentication: # Check whether authenticated propfind works.
04-22 21:52:07:284 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::PropfindJob created for “https://cloud.example.com” + “/” "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
04-22 21:52:34:282 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotTimeout: virtual void OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotTimeout() OCC::PropfindJob(0x8b54878) Timeout QUrl( “https://cloud.example.com/remote.php/webdav/” )
04-22 21:52:34:282 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished: void OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished() 5 “Operation abgebrochen” QVariant(Invalid)
04-22 21:52:34:283 0x4f67938 OCC::PropfindJob::finished: PROPFIND request not successful, http result code is 0 ""
04-22 21:52:34:283 0x4f67938 unknown: QIODevice::read: device not open
04-22 21:52:34:283 0x4f67938 OCC::AccountSettings::showConnectionLabel: “Keine Verbindung zu Nextcloud auf https://cloud.example.com
Operation abgebrochen"
04-22 21:52:34:285 0x4f67938 unknown: QString::arg: Argument missing: “https://docs.nextcloud.com/desktop/2.2/” , 2
04-22 21:52:34:285 0x4f67938 unknown: QString::arg: Argument missing: “https://docs.nextcloud.com/desktop/2.2/” , 2
04-22 21:52:34:287 0x4f67938 OCC::FolderMan::slotAccountStateChanged: Account "User@cloud.example.com” disconnected or paused, terminating or descheduling sync folders
04-22 21:52:39:095 0x4f67938 OCC::Account::resetNetworkAccessManager: Resetting QNAM
04-22 21:52:39:096 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth: Checking server and authentication
04-22 21:52:39:097 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth: Trying to look up system proxy
04-22 21:52:39:097 0x89fbde8 OCC::SystemProxyRunnable::run: virtual void OCC::SystemProxyRunnable::run() Starting system proxy lookup
04-22 21:52:39:100 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::systemProxyLookupDone: No system proxy set by OS
04-22 21:52:39:101 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::CheckServerJob created for “https://cloud.example.com” + “status.php” "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
04-22 21:52:39:280 0x4f67938 OCC::CheckServerJob::finished: status.php returns: QMap((“edition”, QVariant(QString, “”) ) ( “installed” , QVariant(bool, true) ) ( “maintenance” , QVariant(bool, false) ) ( “needsDbUpgrade” , QVariant(bool, false) ) ( “productname” , QVariant(QString, “Nextcloud”) ) ( “version” , QVariant(QString, “”) ) ( “versionstring” , QVariant(QString, “11.0.2”) ) ) 0 Reply: QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x8af9010)
04-22 21:52:39:281 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::slotStatusFound: ** Application: ownCloud found: QUrl( “https://cloud.example.com/status.php” ) with version “11.0.2” ( “” )
04-22 21:52:39:281 0x4f67938 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkAuthentication: # Check whether authenticated propfind works.
04-22 21:52:39:282 0x4f67938 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::PropfindJob created for “https://cloud.example.com” + “/” "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
04-22 21:52:42:418 0x4f67938 unknown: Failed to resolve EGL function eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT (Die angegebene Prozedur wurde nicht gefunden.)
04-22 21:52:42:419 0x4f67938 unknown: static QWindowsEGLStaticContext* QWindowsEGLStaticContext::create(): Could not initialize EGL display: error 0x3001

04-22 21:52:42:420 0x4f67938 unknown: static QWindowsEGLStaticContext* QWindowsEGLStaticContext::create(): When using ANGLE, check if d3dcompiler_4x.dll is available

@jospoortvliet is there anybody from the NC team who can give more details? If not, you need to reproduce this with the original OC client (also works with NC servers), or you connect it to the demo server of owncloud on demo.owncloud.org. Then, you can report the issue to their bug tracker on Issues · owncloud/client · GitHub

Yeah, I think reporting at oC is the best course of action for now…