No call notification/signal/ring tone at other party when trying to start a call (audio)

Update: I have just found this:

Now I understand most of the problems behind this issue - so it seems using Nextcloud Talk in conjunction with Telegram (or something else) is currently the only way to go…

Hi! Are any audio signals supposed in the web version of Talk? I may observe only little red dot when there’s inbound call and that’s all…

Moreover, I constantly observe in the log strange junk:

{“reqId”:“eeN338GIFbRCEgURFrUc”,“level”:3,“time”:“07.06.2020 07:30:20”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“–”,“app”:“PHP”,“method”:“”,“url”:“–”,“message”:“Undefined index: notification_level at /var/www/html/nextcloud/apps/spreed/lib/Manager.php#194”,“userAgent”:“–”,“version”:“”}
{“reqId”:“eeN338GIFbRCEgURFrUc”,“level”:3,“time”:“07.06.2020 07:30:20”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“–”,“app”:“PHP”,“method”:“”,“url”:“–”,“message”:“Undefined index: notification_level at /var/www/html/nextcloud/apps/spreed/lib/Manager.php#194”,“userAgent”:“–”,“version”:“”}
{“reqId”:“eeN338GIFbRCEgURFrUc”,“level”:3,“time”:“07.06.2020 07:30:20”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“–”,“app”:“PHP”,“method”:“”,“url”:“–”,“message”:“Undefined index: notification_level at /var/www/html/nextcloud/apps/spreed/lib/Manager.php#194”,“userAgent”:“–”,“version”:“”}

First of all, thank you for solving my issue with calls not “ringing”. I must have checked every network setting known to man :stuck_out_tongue:

Would it be possible at all to set up the push notifications like Telegram? They have there own service running when you run Telegram without the play store (e.g. from F-Droid) so you do still get notifications.

Some of us really would like to live in a world without Google…

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Hi all,

I just installed the .apk (v8.2) from github on a Huawei P smart 2021 (it’s meant to stay free from google). However, push is not working…

After connecting talk to my nextcloud (v 20.0.6) there’s a message flashing up and disappearing very quickly; which is why I can’t read it, it does however say something about push…

(just in case it’s of relevance: There are no SIM cards inserted yet)

Any ideas??