NFS data dir from inside LXD container

Iā€™ve read

but still canā€™t figure out how to accomplish what Iā€™m after. Iā€™ve run OC 8 (!) under QEMU/KVM for 3 years or so, and itā€™s been grand. Iā€™m now getting into linux containers, and want to run a new NC 13 instance under LXD and ultimately migrate my data from OC8 to NC13. (I tried the upgrade-upgrade-upgrade approach, but itā€™s too much work, so Iā€™ll just start over.)

One of the things about VMs and containers is that itā€™s hard to forecast how much data storage you need, and a little difficult to add later (not really, of course). But Iā€™ve already invested into separate file storage for non-NC purposes with redundancy, proper backup strategy, etc. and it would be super convenient to only consider the nextcloud software itself in the container and ā€œpretendā€ that my data directory ā€œdiskā€ was infinite.

To that end, I tried to mount my storage export over NFS on the LXD host, and then attach it to my container using

lxc config device add nextcloud nextcloud-data disk source=/data/nextcloud path=/home/nextcloud/data

First I shutdown nextcloud and moved /home/nextcloud/data to /home/nextcloud/data.x with the idea that if it worked, Iā€™d just copy from data.x to the new data mount, restart nextcloud and be off to the races. But life in containers is not that easy - I had permission / write issues.

The nextcloud data directory looks to want to be owned by www-data:www-data, but in the container this is some large uid/gid on the host which has absolutely no correlation to anything on the actual NFS server, and Iā€™m not sure if that matters. Iā€™ve gotten around multi-system file-sharing permissions issues in the past by simply creating users on both server and client with the same user id - this works if you can manage it and there arenā€™t too many users to create.

But in container-land, Iā€™m a little lost. Perhaps this is a @JasonBayton question (:grin:), but Iā€™d appreciate some pointers to getting this accomplished. Itā€™s not ostensibly a nextcloud issue I suppose, but this seems like a vibrant forum and certainly someone is doing something similar.


Hey :slight_smile:

Thereā€™s still no clean way of doing this, ultimately you grant ownership of the whole external folder you push into the container to a user in the container (www-data) from outside of the container. So, if www-data in the container is UID 00110, which you can see by:

ls -l /var/lib/lxd/containers/containername/rootfs/var/www/

Then outside of the container, on the host, youā€™d run:

sudo chown -R 00110:00110 /my/local/share/folder

After which you can add the folder in to the container as a new device:

lxc config device add CONTAINERNAME FOLDERNAME disk source=/my/local/share/folder path=/my/lxd-share/mount/folder

Any interaction outside of the container will need sudo, and youā€™ll need to make sure you update permissions of anything you put in the share to reflect the UID otherwise it wonā€™t be usable in the container.

Thanks @JasonBayton - this is what I thought, but reading you say it made all the difference. For the [complete] solution in case someone else has to do this (or if I forget), here is my complete winning recipe.

On the NFS server (NAS, big storage, etc), I add the following to /etc/exports:

# access to LXD host for container passthru
/data/nextcloud,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) is the IP of the Ubuntu 16.04 box running LXD and hosting my containers. Donā€™t forget to exportfs -a afterward or restart nfsd.

On the LXD host, create the /data/nextcloud mountpoint add to /etc/fstab

nfsserver:/data/nextcloud /data/nextcloud nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr      0       0

This will cause the fileshare mount to remount on reboot. After adding this, mount the share from the NFS server on the LXD host using

mount /data/nextcloud

Iā€™m sure there are other parameters I could add here, but this sufficed for today. In the nextcloud container, find where nextcloud is storing the data. For me it was /home/nextcloud/data. Shutdown apache and move this directory aside and create the new mount point (do this in the container):

cd /home/nextcloud
mv data data.x
mkdir data

Then, on the LXD host, add a new disk device to the container using what @JasonBayton provided above:

lxc config device add nextcloud nextcloud-data disk source=/data/nextcloud path=/home/nextcloud/data

Back in the container, cp from the old data directory to the new mounted one:

rsync -avz /home/nextcloud/data.x/* /home/nextcloud/data.x/.* /home/nextcloud/data

Finally, fixup all the permissions. Do this by looking for what host user maps to the containerā€™s www-data user as @JasonBayton provided. Do this on the LXD host:

ls -l /var/lib/lxd/containers/nextcloud/rootfs/var/www

Look for the nextcloud folder - ordinarily it should be owned by the www-data user. Mine was 231105. On the LXD host,

chown -R 231105:231105 /data/nextcloud

(I think I may have also done this on the NFS server at some point.)

Again, I realize this is more of an LXD question than a nextcloud one, but this is a great forum. Thanks again!

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interestingly I came up with the same solution with my first nextcloud install. Only point to add: root will never behave as usual on that nfs share since the containers root will be mapped to the id defined in /etc/subuid. e.g. it will not work to rsync -a as root because the mapped id is not allowed to chown. As long the use case only supports only one user in the container, itā€™s OK.
More Details in StĆ©phane Graberā€™s Blog about uid mapping