NextcloudOC2 image for Odroid C2

I just finished the first NextcloudOC2 (Odroid C2) image v. 1117 and would like to share it to you:

First download my Nextcloud 12.0.3 image for OdroidC2 from here: NextcloudOC2 (567MB)
The image consists of:

Ubuntu 16.04.03 LTS 64 Bit
Nginx 1.13.6, ngx_cache_purge enabled
Nextcloud 12.0.3 (stable)
    preview-generation and keeweb apps are tweaked and enabled
    Nextcloud cronjobs enabled
    cronjob for a regulary backup enabled
    several scripts for maintaining are stored in /root
PHP 7.1.11
MariaDB (utf8mb4)
ufw (:80 http // :443 https  // :2211 SSH)
openssl 1.1.0g

I am looking forward to your experiencies and feedback.
Enjoy it - Carsten

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No feedback at all? I don’t own an Odroid C2 but I like the idea of having an image.
Any chance making an image for Odroid HC1? A perfect Christmas gift, Odroid HC1 prepared with your image.
Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing.


thanks OP for sharing this! good job


I am using NextCloudPi on my odroid HC1. Originally I installed via

# curl -sSL | bash

, and that works fine. Now as a next step, I am building the SD card image, but I would like to test it more.

I’ll share the image with you if you want to try it and give me feedback.

Thank you @nachoparker. If I buy an Odroid HC1 I will give it a try.

New image was released:

Update history:
– amendments to /etc/fstab (NGINX-cache and php-sessions moved to tmpfs)
– switched from static ip to dhcp


Thanks for your efforts. I am new and I am considering installing your image but I first need to backup my current C2 install with kodi and after reimaging figure out if I still can get hardware accelerated h.265 video in kodi working on it.

In /root/ you need:
resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2
At the end. As it is it does not actually grow the filesystem.

New Nextcloud 13.0.1 Image for Odroid C2:
Nextcloud 13.0.1 for Odroid C2 (Nextcloud1301.img)

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Gallery was not working for me until I switched from smbclient to php-smbclient.
I also enabled php opcache to improve performance.
apt-get install php7.1-opcache

I wonder how I should upgrade, I upgraded nextcloud itself from the gui but not the OS. Just do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ? Or can I replace the image and keep settings easily?

Update your system as simple as that:
sudo -s

why/what failed regarding the galery?

opcache is configured by default in the new image.

To change from php7.1-fpm to php7. 2-fpm just follow these instructions:

all php mods will be applied automatically.
cheers Carsten

The problem with the gallery using smbclient: It was extremely slow (high cpu load) and often resulting in a not responding nextcloud. The performance issue improved a lot by using php-smbclient.
I will try the upgradescript soon, I wasn’t aware. Thanks a lot for all the effort :+1:

please keep me informed, really appreciate feedback.:metal:

No upgrade issues found. I had to interactively answer some questions about replacing config files. I choose to keep the modified php config. Its reporting version ubuntu 16.04.4.