Nextcloud via Snap access issue with existing web server


I have an issue figuring out why Nextcloud is not accessible even on a local ip:port.
I have downloaded a snap version of Nextcloud on my Raspberry Pi 3:

sudo snap install nextcloud
sudo snap start nextcloud

The problem is, I already have Apache server running (WordPress websites), so ports 80/443 are used by that. So I did this:

sudo snap set nextcloud ports.http=185
sudo snap set nextcloud ports.https=186

Also did this:

sudo ufw allow 185
sudo ufw allow 186

Even after that I can’t access it even on a local network:

What else am I missing to be able to access it?


You can use nextcloud in a subdir or better on a subdomain.

Do you use your wordpress and nextcloud from internet with dyndns and ip-port-forwarding?
You can use two own subdomains or two dyndns-names on the same apache2 (virtual hosts).
Then you can also use Lets Encrypt. Please forward 80 and 443.

Deactivate the firewall. Nobody needs a firewall.

You can use nextcloud in a subdir or better on a subdomain.

Yes, that is what I want. I already have a domain, pointed to my IP and all ports configures. My website is (uses ports 80/443 of course)
So the goal is to have

Do you use your wordpress and nextcloud from internet with dyndns and ip-port-forwarding?

I have a static IP on my home server (Raspberry Pi 3 in this case). I opened/forwarded ports 80/443 to Pi’s IP and wordpress websites works just fine. I have two websites running there.

You can use two own subdomains or two dyndns-names on the same apache2 (virtual hosts). Then you can also use Lets Encrypt. Please forward 80 and 443.

That is the hard part. I am still wondering, with the steps I took, listed in my original post, isn’t that enough to access Nextcloud snap instance on a local network with a port specified?
