I want to migrate from a standalone nginx/php-fpm Nextcloud installation to AIO. I have read the migration guide all-in-one/migration.md at main · nextcloud/all-in-one · GitHub and I need to convert my DB from mysql to postgres
The problem is that the db:convert-type
is “temporarily disabled”.
How can I do the conversion?
Is this command disabled for very specific cases and which?
And, if it’s safe, how can I bypass this deactivation?
php occ db:convert-type --all-apps --password "$PG_PASSWORD" pgsql "$PG_USER" "$PG_DATABASE"
In ConvertType.php line 158:
This command is temporarily disabled (until the next maintenance release).
db:convert-type [--port PORT] [--password PASSWORD] [--clear-schema] [--all-apps] [--chunk-size CHUNK-SIZE] [--] <type> <username> <hostname> <database>