Nextcloud server: error creating admin user


i installed nextcloud 13.0.0 on my ubuntu 16.4 server essentially by following the nextcloud documentation and this instruction:
Everything was fine but in the end i was not able to create the admin user threw the graphical interface on http://localhost/nextcloud. the error message is as follows:

Error while trying to create admin user: An exception occurred while executing ‘INSERT INTO oc_migrations (app,version) SELECT ?,? FROM oc_migrations WHERE app = ? AND version = ? HAVING COUNT(*) = 0’ with params [“core”, “13000Date20170705121758”, “core”, “13000Date20170705121758”]: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1665 Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging. InnoDB is limited to row-logging when transaction isolation level is READ COMMITTED or READ UNCOMMITTED.

i tried many things and really don´t know how to solve this.i hope you could help me

Exactly the same error with fresh install on FreeBSD.

Error while trying to create admin user: An exception occurred while executing ‘INSERT INTO oc_migrations (app,version) SELECT ?,? FROM oc_migrations WHERE app = ? AND version = ? HAVING COUNT(*) = 0’ with params [“core”, “13000Date20170705121758”, “core”, “13000Date20170705121758”]: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1665 Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging. InnoDB is limited to row-logging when transaction isolation level is READ COMMITTED or READ UNCOMMITTED.

DB set up

CREATE USER 'nextcloud_admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<your password here>';
GRANT ALL ON nextcloud.* TO 'nextcloud_admin'@'localhost';


Solution: per:

add “binlog-format = MIXED” to my.cnf
(on freebsd: ee /var/db/mysql/my.cnf)
restart mysql
(on freebsd: service mysql-server restart)