Nextcloud Requested URL after login

Hi all, I am wondering if any of you have experienced this issue…how can you achieve nextcloud to get you to a user requested URL after authentication ?

If a user requests a specific url (different from the root nextcloud, a sub folder for instance) https://nextcloud_url/sites/xpto that needs authentication, the user, after successfully authentication, is redirected to https://nextcloud_url (root) instead of the requested URL https://nextcloud_url/sites/xpto

Is there any configuration that solves this ? To send the user to the requested URL instead of the root nextcloud url ?

I tried app order but for different users it doesn’t work, because it redirects all the users to the specified app order even if the user don’t have permissions being displayed a forbidden page.

How do you accomplish this ?
Best regards

I do not understand your problem.
But the most urls are not the original urls.
Perhaps you can make there changes.

Read /var/www/html/nextcloud/.htaccess.

The issue is, when you authenticate on nextcloud you go to the home file share, although if you want to get to a specific URL, and that url is public you have no issue. The problem is if the URL is protected and you should authenticate and have access only to that URL. When you authenticate you go to the home and you get forbidden. With a redirect on apache you treat all users the same way. The issue is that the requested URL is lost and it goes always to the https://next_cloud_instante_URL/

hope it helps to clarify. AppOrder app would solve this if it has a group concept working, because different groups have different homes

thank you for your time reading this

Perhaps you can use in Firefox or Chrome the function key “F12” and then look in the urls downloaded and post details. You also can see there, that the authentifications works with session keys, cookies, …

Perhaps you can post examples of your problem. You can delete the beginning of the url with your nextcloud-domain-name.

Found it, the issue is with picoCMS, with a url from nextcloud the redirect is properly done, with a folder or file. The problem is with picoCMS private website. When a user is not authenticated it is presented a forbidden page, instead of redirecting a user to the authentication mecanism. therefore as the authentication is started on the root nextcloud, after the authentication the user is forwarded to the files App instead of the requested URL. He has to request the url again and in this case it works because he is already authenticated. :slight_smile:

I’ll post this on picoCMS app. Thanks for your attention

solved here --> Requested URL after authentication

So it only will be available at PicoCMS v1.1 ?
It is actually at 1.0.6 correct ?

ummm… to be honest… i dunno… dev said that they’d take it into consideration - which is, by all means, no clear “yes”…


so youre unasked question might have been… when will p-c- 1.1 be out?
and again: i don’t really know.

if you think it should get faster why not offering your help to dev(s)? maybe there’s something you could do?