Ошибка версии Nextcloud при миграции с Owncloud

Привет, по просьбе своего знакомого нужно было мигрировать с Owncloud на Nextcloud, имея информацию миграция не составляет труда, но я столкнулся с проблемой перед тем как обновиться на Nextcloud я получаю ошибку :
"This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.2.
You are currently running 7.4.22."

    1. Это ошибка из-за того что миграционный config "index.php скачивает низкую версию Nextcloud?
    1. Или наоборот это у меня слишком высокая версия PHP для Nextcloud который скачивает миграционный config ?
      Скачивает версию 12.0.12.
      У меня : PHP 8.0.9
      Owncloud 10.0.17 (вроде бы)

Также я думал сделать более топорный вариант это просто заменить Owncloud на Nextcloud (который я уже скачал) сохранив данные и конфиги, но не знаю получится ли и как это лучше всего сделать.

Что посоветуете? Заранее благодарю!

Answer in English, translate to russian with https://www.deepl.com

I am not familiar with migration from Owncloud to Nextcloud. But if the migration is indeed using Nextcloud 12.0.12, then it’s very likely that it really won’t be compatible with PHP 7.4. You will probably have to install PHP 7.2 temporarily. If you have a test system for a migration, you can also use a correspondingly old version of e.g. Ubuntu.

Я не знаком с миграцией с Owncloud на Nextcloud. Но если для миграции действительно используется Nextcloud 12.0.12, то вполне вероятно, что он действительно не совместим с PHP 7.4. Скорее всего, вам придется временно установить PHP 7.2. Если у вас есть тестовая система для миграции, вы также можете использовать соответствующую старую версию, например, Ubuntu.

maybe you can better install the newest Nextcloud version and migrate only the data. Almost then all shares are lost.

возможно, вам лучше установить новейшую версию Nextcloud и перенести только данные. Практически тогда все доли будут потеряны.

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This is what the web interface of the migration looks like. After that you need to upgrade either through the terminal or you can directly here, but then it tells me what I wrote in my post, that the version of nextcloud does not fit.

I was looking at options of deleting all PHP and installing an older version, but there is a big risk of getting more problems.
I’m still leaning towards the option of manually replacing owncloud with nextcloud, but what’s the best way to do it?

Also as evil I have not saved a backup of config “index.php”, which I replaced in the directory updater (ie, in its place is a config, which is downloaded during the migration) is still it would be great to find a solution to restore the site, which due to this migration now does not work.s

Yes but if it works you have got a new problem. Nextcloud 12 is outdated. You must upgrade all versions 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 and 24. I think you get more problems.

I wonder why you can’t switch from owncloud to a newer nextcloud version that would then also support php 7.4 or php 8 for example.

I don’t know how to make the migration config (which has thousands of lines and in which I can’t find where I can change the download version) change the nextcloud download version.
This is the download path
"https://download.nextcloud.com/server/installer/migrator/index.php "

It’s not possible to choose the version, but maybe it’s possible, I just don’t understand how.
Also separately I just downloaded a 20+ version of nextcloud, but it didn’t help

I found this article.
Migrating from ownCloud — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation

Which Owncloud version does you use?


Yes i know that this version does not exist to 12.0.12 nextcloud. But i didn’t know before migration that migration config will use that late version

I think you must use https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/latest-20.zip
And then the points in my link in my last post.
With Nextcloud 20 you can use PHP 7.4.
Then you must upgrade to 21,22,23 and 24.

Just download the archive to the place where i have owncloud ? or somewhere else and just unzip it there ?

Sorry. I never migrate Owncloud to Nextcloud. Also my last manual upgrade is a long time ago.

Download and unpack the latest Nextcloud Server release (Archive file) from nextcloud.com/install/ into an empty directory outside of your current installation.
(in your case Last Nextcloud 20)

Well, I’ll deal with that, I’m just worried about their conflicts. But I have already downloaded 20.0.14 in the neighboring directory, maybe just transfer?

Yes. Why not? Hopefully you have got a backup. :wink:

  • Rename your current Nextcloud directory, for example nextcloud-old.
  • Unpacking the new archive creates a new nextcloud directory populated with your new server files. Move this directory and its contents to the original location of your old server. For example /var/www/, so that once again you have /var/www/nextcloud.