Nextcloud not performing like I see in others videos

I’m trying to setup a Nextcloud server on my Truenas Scale server. I have watched videos and many peoples have been slightly different due to having different fields (probably due to older versions). I was able to get installed both collabora and Nextcloud.

After everything configured to correct config files, I had gone into Nextcloud and was able to get to the store, and download Nextcloud office, I wasn’t able to search as the search function was missing so had to manually look for it under office (not a big deal), after proceeding with with it and moving into the settings for said app, the page is blank.

All I’m trying to do is make a “local” server where I’m able to store things such as photos and videos off my wife and I’s phones that can be accessed anywhere in the world. I’m completely new to this system, originally I did try on Docker in windows but ran into some bugs that all forms were saying was due to windows issues. Anytips would be greatly appreciated in this.

That’s awesome but you didn’t fill out the support template so we don’t have enough information about your setup to help. :slight_smile:

We don’t even know which version or specific installation approach you used. :slight_smile:

Please check your Nextcloud log and also maybe share the exact Office app you installed and which settings tab precisely you are seeing blank.

Also, before troubleshooting further, please confirm you don’t have any warnings or errors under Administration settings->Overview.

My apologies for that, I’m currently running TrueNAS-SCALE-24.04.2 with Collabroa - and NextCloud 29.0.4.

When I open up Nextcloud the main page of next cloud is blank. (see imagine).

When I go to Personal > NextCloud Office it also appears to being blank. (see imagine)

Where do I go from here?

Are you able to access Administration->Overview?

Also, precisely, what installation method did you use to install Nextcloud?

Hey Jtr, Yes I am able to access that page, my guess it has to do with the errors. (See imagine)

For installing I had gone through the TrueNas Scale - in the apps Page. (See imagine)

Think if I delete the app fully, restart the install process that may fix the errors? Or is it just going to be easier to deal with the errors as they are?

The most concerning thing on that warning list is the integrity check failure. That indicates your installation is somehow corrupt. No idea how that would have occurred.

What files are listed as invalid?

Also, I see there appears to be an update available from TrueNAS. Perhaps there was a bug in their packaging of Nextcloud?

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