Nextcloud iOS app seems to "corrupt" the password at random

Title pretty much sums up my issue. One particular user’s iOS client will, at random, just get the entered password wrong. Ive even put the information in myself after resetting it on the server. Sometimes it will work for months. Sometimes it will show multiple failed login attempts even though he hasn’t touched the account settings. Im trying to locate the client’s log file on iOS but that’s seeming all but possible right now. If anyone has any ideas where to start with this, It would be greatly appreciated. More information:

Raw error from server:

{“reqId”:“6OtS58MlrMASKxYOREjS”,“level”:2,“time”:“2020-08-10T14:51:26+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“96.29.x.x”,“user”:"–",“app”:“core”,“method”:“PROPFIND”,“url”:"/remote.php/webdav/Company%20Files",“message”:“Login failed: ‘username’ (Remote IP: ‘96.29.x.x’)”,“userAgent”:“Mozilla/5.0 (iOS) Nextcloud-iOS/2.25.9”,“version”:“”,“id”:“5f316a9d3987c”}

nextcloud.apache: simple, enabled, active
nextcloud.mdns-publisher: simple, enabled, active
nextcloud.mysql: simple, enabled, active
nextcloud.nextcloud-cron: simple, enabled, active
nextcloud.nextcloud-fixer: simple, enabled, inactive
nextcloud.php-fpm: simple, enabled, active
nextcloud.redis-server: simple, enabled, active
nextcloud.renew-certs: simple, enabled, active
snap-id: njObIbGQEaVx1H4nyWxchk1i8opy4h54
tracking: latest/stable
refresh-date: 18 days ago, at 03:29 EDT
latest/stable: 19.0.1snap2 2020-07-23 (22400) 270MB -
latest/candidate: ↑
latest/beta: ↑
latest/edge: master-2020-08-07 2020-08-07 (22628) 270MB -

Linux Nextcloud-VM 4.15.0-39-generic #42~16.04.1-Ubuntu


I am at a complete loss why this is happening repeatedly with just this one particular user, no one else. Thanks!!

It certainly hasn’t done this on mine, and I use the iOS app regularly. When you say corrupt the password, what exactly do you mean? Could it be the device rather than the user or app?