Nextcloud instant upload Android 7 possible again

Hi everyone,

As some of you know instant upload from your camera is broken on Android 7, with standard camera app that is, today I installed and to my happy surprise instant upload works with this camera app.



@Fred_Dresken_Maveric IN around 24H

IF you have some time to spare you can download and install/test the (upcoming) beta app (like before it can be installed in parallel to the stable release)

The next beta release with the new Instant Upload feature I mentioned will be available in about 24h +/- some hours. Beware though that this is a completely new implementation of the instant upload so this is truly beta So bug need to be expected and if they occur please report them on our issue tracker
Thanks for your patience with the instant upload and any help testing this new feature. Hintโ€ฆ Itโ€™ll be way more than just โ€œcameraโ€ :wink:


Beta version 20161026 is live! :rocket:

Wowzers!.. @Andy :ok_hand:
Instant upload / folder sync > stunning work :+1:

Thanks @Fred_Dresken_Maveric - already found some bugs though which you might not have hit :wink:

3 posts were split to a new topic: Auto upload not working, Android 6.0

Closing this ancient topicโ€ฆ

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