Nextcloud Hub II (23.0.2) - Fulltextsearch Elasticsearch pipeline with id [attachment] does not exist

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe nun schon stundenlang verzweifelt gesucht aber das Problem besteht weiterhin.
Ich habe eine NC Instanz auf einem Raspi und einen Elastic Search Container (8.1).
Die beiden können auch kommunizieren

www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ fulltextsearch:test

.Testing your current setup:
Creating mocked content provider. ok
Testing mocked provider: get indexable documents. (2 items) ok
Loading search platform. (Elasticsearch) ok
Testing search platform. ok
Locking process ok
Removing test. ok
Pausing 3 seconds 1 2 3 ok
Initializing index mapping. ok
Indexing generated documents. ok
Pausing 3 seconds 1 2 3 ok
Retreiving content from a big index (license). (size: 32386) ok
Comparing document with source. ok
Searching basic keywords:
 - 'test' (result: 1, expected: ["simple"]) ok
 - 'document is a simple test' (result: 2, expected: ["simple","license"]) ok
 - '"document is a test"' (result: 0, expected: []) ok
 - '"document is a simple test"' (result: 1, expected: ["simple"]) ok
 - 'document is a simple -test' (result: 1, expected: ["license"]) ok
 - 'document is a simple +test' (result: 1, expected: ["simple"]) ok
 - '-document is a simple test' (result: 0, expected: []) ok
 - 'document is a simple +test +testing' (result: 1, expected: ["simple"]) ok
 - 'document is a simple +test -testing' (result: 0, expected: []) ok
 - 'document is a +simple -test -testing' (result: 0, expected: []) ok
 - '+document is a simple -test -testing' (result: 1, expected: ["license"]) ok
 - 'document is a +simple -license +testing' (result: 1, expected: ["simple"]) ok
Updating documents access. ok
Pausing 3 seconds 1 2 3 ok
Searching with group access rights:
 - 'license' - [] -  (result: 0, expected: []) ok
 - 'license' - ["group_1"] -  (result: 1, expected: ["license"]) ok
 - 'license' - ["group_1","group_2"] -  (result: 1, expected: ["license"]) ok
 - 'license' - ["group_3","group_2"] -  (result: 1, expected: ["license"]) ok
 - 'license' - ["group_3"] -  (result: 0, expected: []) ok
Searching with share rights:
 - 'license' - notuser -  (result: 0, expected: []) ok
 - 'license' - user2 -  (result: 1, expected: ["license"]) ok
 - 'license' - user3 -  (result: 1, expected: ["license"]) ok
Removing test. ok
Unlocking process ok

das Problem ist jedoch das der Content nicht übertragen wird.
In diesem Ordner liegt eine PDF und txt File und nach dem Inhalt kann ich nicht suchen.

www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ fulltextsearch:index "{\"user\": \"xxxx\", \"path\":\"ocr\"}"

Options: {"user":"xxxx","path":"ocr"}
Memory: 32 MB
┌─ Indexing  ────
│ Action: compareWithCurrentIndex
│ Provider: Files                Account: xxxxx
│ Document:
│ Info:
│ Title:
│ Content size:
│ Chunk:      2/2
│ Progress:    all/1
┌─ Results ────
│ Result:      0/0
│ Index:
│ Status:
│ Message:
┌─ Errors ────
│ Error:      2/2
│ Index: files:225252
│ Exception: Elasticsearch\Common\Exceptions\BadRequest400Exception
│ Message: pipeline with id [attachment] does not exist
## x:first result ## c/v:prec/next result ## b:last result
## f:first error ## h/j:prec/next error ## d:delete error ## l:last error
## q:quit ## p:pause

Das Plugin “Ingest-Attachment” ist im Container bzw. ElasticSearch installiert.

Ich denke das Problem ist die Meldung:

 Message: pipeline with id [attachment] does not exist

I literally just did this. You need to initialize the attachment processor by running:

curl -XPUT “localhost:9200/_ingest/pipeline/attachment” -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -d’
“description” : “Extract attachment information”,
“processors” : [
“attachment” : {
“field” : “content”,
“indexed_chars” : -1

Then run your index again.

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