Nextcloud Frontend running slow

Hi recently installed nextcloud on my server and im getting these errors. Frontend is running slow. Upload/download is also slow. Anyone had any experience?

Welcome. Won’t be possible to assist you without know real details, including logs, system specs, nextcloud specs, recent changes you made, and any other information you can provide for background and context. Just too vague otherwise. :+1:

You php memory is exhausted, it seems that you have only 32 MB available, 128 MB is the minimum requirement (and 512 MB or more are recommended)!

Once you fixed these issues and it is still too slow:

PHP Memory is set to 8192mb in the webserver

And now you still get the same memory size exhaustion error? At least the limit should have changed.


My cpanel settings were maxed out at 1mb/s and max 1gb so i changed it to 10gb ram and 100mb/s.

And its much faster but still seems to be a bit slow sometimes. now im not getting anymore errors so i feel like there has to be a way to optimize it more.