Nextcloud does not store my Login password


We are using Nextcloud on our provisioned Citrix terminal server farm (Windows Server 2008 R2). Everytime a user is on a new terminal server host in our farm, the username (mail address) is stored / recognised for Nextcloud but he has to retype his password again to log in on our Nextcloud. If he is getting to a terminal server, he was before by chance, the credentials are ok and he does not have to retype the password.

I saw that there are *.db and *.cfg files in %LOCALAPPDATA%. These files are stored in the profile so the user is getting his configurations again, when he logs in to our terminal server farm. But the user always have to retype his password when he is on a new host.

Is this a security feature? Or is there a possibility to recognise the credentials, even if the users is getting to e new server host? On our fat this seems to be ok, but in this case the user always is on the same machine.

Thanks in advance for your help.


did you manage to solve your problem ?
Because profile manager only copies “romaing” (and not local") folder from “appdata” we start nextclouc-client from script with --configdir, but we still have - also - the issue that no password can be stored.
Therefor the user has to start the client manual wehn wanting to use ist.