Nextcloud: Connection Closed: Protocol "" is unknown

Nextcloud version: 13.0.5
Operating system and version: CentOS 7.5.1804 on KVM
Apache version: 2.4.6-80.el7
Nginx version: 1:1.12.2-2.el7 (Running as Reverse Proxy)
PHP version: 5.6.37
MySQL: MariaDB 10.1.34
CentOS WebPanel 7

I’ve been running Nextcloud on this server for around 6-months with no issues.

During the week I updated the server packages and also upgraded Nextcloud from 13.0.1 to 13.0.5

  1. When I try to add files to Nextcloud using the Windows Desktop App Version 2.3.3 I get the following errors:
  • Connection Closed
  • Protocol “” is unknown
  1. When I try to add files using the Android app they fail but give an unknown error.

  2. When I try to upload files using the Web Page they fail but give an unknown error.

No errors in the Security and Setup warning page except for the usual PHP version and opcache.

Any advice would be appreciated.



Please check your Nextcloud log file and the webserver logfile.


httpd error log:
PHP Warning: Version warning: Imagick was compiled against Image Magick version 1689 but version 1690 is loaded. Imagick will run but may behave surprisingly in Unknown on line 0

nginx error log:

{“reqId”:“W13ilqeNWBGbwgipqNlBggAAAM0”,“level”:3,“time”:“2018-07-29T15:51:51+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“ryan”,“app”:“PHP”,“method”:“PROPFIND”,“url”:"/remote.php/dav/files/ryan/MSBC-Sales",“message”:“Version warning: Imagick was compiled against Image Magick version 1689 but version 1690 is loaded. Imagick will run but may behave surprisingly at Unknown#0”,“userAgent”:“Mozilla/5.0 (Windows) mirall/2.3.3 (build 1) (Nextcloud)”,“version”:“”}
{“reqId”:“W13il825s6t@EbFqTuSnOAAAAAE”,“level”:3,“time”:“2018-07-29T15:51:52+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“ryan”,“app”:“PHP”,“method”:“PROPFIND”,“url”:"/remote.php/dav/files/ryan/MSBC-Production",“message”:“Version warning: Imagick was compiled against Image Magick version 1689 but version 1690 is loaded. Imagick will run but may behave surprisingly at Unknown#0”,“userAgent”:“Mozilla/5.0 (Windows) mirall/2.3.3 (build 1) (Nextcloud)”,“version”:“”}

and with Android App

{“reqId”:“W13jGM25s6t@EbFqTuSnPQAAAAw”,“level”:3,“time”:“2018-07-29T15:54:01+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“ryan”,“app”:“PHP”,“method”:“GET”,“url”:"/status.php",“message”:“Version warning: Imagick was compiled against Image Magick version 1689 but version 1690 is loaded. Imagick will run but may behave surprisingly at Unknown#0”,“userAgent”:“Mozilla/5.0 (Android) ownCloud-android/3.2.1”,“version”:“”}

Could all of this be only due to Imagick?

OK, fixed the Imagick version error.

No there are no errors in Apache httpd or nextcloud logs.

The problem still remains:

  • Connection Closed
  • Protocol “” is unknown

When I add a new file to the Sync this is the error in the Desktop App:

#=#=#=# Syncrun started 2018-07-29T18:26:18
#=#=#=#=# Propagation starts 2018-07-29T18:26:20 (last step: 2069 msec, total: 2069 msec)
||Maple-Curved Unit.jpg|INST_NEW|Up|1430678925||19118||2|Protocol “” is unknown|0|0|0|||INST_NONE|
#=#=#=# Syncrun finished 2018-07-29T18:26:20 (last step: 253 msec, total: 2322 msec)
#=#=#=# Syncrun started 2018-07-29T18:26:33
#=#=#=#=# Propagation starts 2018-07-29T18:26:35 (last step: 2284 msec, total: 2284 msec)
||Maple-Curved Unit.jpg|INST_NEW|Up|1430678925||19118||2|Protocol “” is unknown|0|0|0|||INST_NONE|
#=#=#=# Syncrun finished 2018-07-29T18:26:35 (last step: 332 msec, total: 2616 msec)

This person also has a similar issue.


I disabled Nginx Reverese Proxy to leave only Apache as the main web server.
Now everything works again.
Seems like Nginx Reverse Proxy is causing this error but the log files are not very clear to debug.

Now to find out how to set Apache & Nginx so they work together correctly again.