Nextcloud client stops on mac os

Hi everyone
THis is not a question but something may be to fix .
For a while, my mac os client stopped after a while. I had to restart it and after a while, again, it stopped.
No erros on the interface. In the log I saw a “http 403” error while sync but nothing else.

I finaly discover what happened : the 403 error was because I wanted to move (so copy and delete) a file from a sync folder to another.
THe source folder is a shared one and I didn’t have permission to delete in it.

The person who shared it just give me the delete permission and now the sync works fine

Instead of a crash, when trying to move from a sync folder without having delete permission, an error should be better . Because on my computer, the move was effective, so each time the sync began the client crashed !

I had that for days before understanding , so I share it here …

Thanks for reading :slight_smile: