I need help to install AIO incl. a second storage 2 TB HDD to use as general data storage. I’m very new on Linux and don’t know nearly nothing about terminal use. I tried several times to install Nextcloud via LAMP-stack but without any sucess. Now I tried to install AIO as this should fit my personal needs. It worked (incl. external domain, SSL certificate etc.) but I don’t know how to include the second HDD. I read in forum that this should to be done upfront the installation but I don’t know the code. Up to now, there are no personal data on any of the storages (SSD/ HDD).
Second storage is sda/sda1 (ext4) and mounted as: /mnt/hdd
Due to several new installations of Ubuntu server I have no access via SSh terminal from my MacBook Air (M1) anymore. It only worked after the very first installation due to the fingerprint/ hostkey - no idea how to solve this as well. Meanwhile I did all installations without the terminal. Any short solution possible or better install again from scratch? If second: can anyone provide my the complete code :
I found this a bit confusing and scary at first as well. To make a change like this, you need to rebuild the container with the correct data dir specified in the docker run command. The last line, --volume /var/run/docker.sock... has to remain at the end for it to work.
Here is how it looks for me in the instructions I kept for myself, for future reference. I also upped the memory limit because I use nextcloud for photo sharing using the memories app.
You want to use the IP address. From the AIO readme:
After the initial startup, you should be able to open the Nextcloud AIO Interface now on port 8080 of this server.
E.g. https://ip.address.of.this.server:8080 Important: do always use an ip-address if you access this port and not a domain as HSTS might block access to it later! (It is also expected that this port uses a self-signed certificate due to security concerns which you need to accept in your browser)
If your firewall/router has port 80 and 8443 open/forwarded and you point a domain to your server, you can get a valid certificate automatically by opening the Nextcloud AIO Interface via: https://your-domain-that-points-to-this-server.tld:8443
that doesn’t work… I’m thinking of installing from scratch … Please can you check the code of my first question? Is the code:
–env NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR=“/mnt/hdd/” correct to use in my case?
Sounds right to me, if that is the name you gave it when you mounted it and that’s the path you use to reach it via console. I created a nextcloud folder in the mounted drive but that’s up to you.
I think you also want to give nextcloud access to the specified folder.
Many thanks, I will give it a try now.
Can you also help me with changing the php.ini - e.g. max upload filesize, memory limit etc.? I didn’t find the file with the AIO/ docker installation…
Am I correct, that with these settings Nextcloud is installed on the HDD (SDA1)? Seems it’s now running slower and I wanted only the data to be stored on SDA1 and Nextcloud itself on the SSD…
I’d start new topics for new questions, or use the search. The AIO readme is also a very detailed “single source of truth” on how to use AIO, and you can search through that for keywords too.
Nextcloud is not installed on the HDD - just the files. But I suspect that can also slow things down if the drive is a slow one.
The slowness you are experiencing could be caused y a variety of things… maybe you have alot of background tasks going at the moment, or you don’t have enough memory or your cpu is slow or you have too many other things installed and running on the same device, etc etc.