NextCloud Adding Mail Server Error

Hi, so I just started setting up Nextcloud with IredMail to add mail into my nextcloud. However, When I try to connect my mail account using auto or manual in NC, I am getting “Unexpected Error During Account Creation”

I am using NC hosted on Azure and iRedMail hosted on Azure with proxy to Mailjet. Anyone have any idea why the auto/manual config is not working?

This is my first time trying this so please be kind. Thank you

Using the search function of this forum helped me to find a couple of existing postings related to this problem which might help you getting your problem solved. See

I checked your list and none i think really fit my need, any specific ones you can point me to?

What do i put as SMTP and IMAP details if I am using iREDMAIL with MailJet SMTP Relay?

I’M personally not using iREDMAIL with Mailjet SMTP relay, therefore I would recommend to ask your provider for the details. Please also check the Nextcloud log file for any related error.

You should also check the Mail app admin doc for troubleshooting help.

Ask your admin. They should know those details.

This is not a question about Nextcloud Mail.