Nextcloud 19.1 problem updating Collabora to 4.2.602

I run into a problem when I try to update Collabora app. (Collabora Online - Built-in CODE Server)
Right now the version is: 4.2.503
If I update ( I tried it several times) I get: “an error occurred on the request. Can not go on. Could not update the app.” (translated from Dutch).
In the log I see this:

Error	core	GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 120000 milliseconds with 142341483 out of 345157120 bytes received (see

But I’m not sure if this is related to the update problem.
Could this be an Curl time out issue?

What is the solution to solve this problem?

I did some searching and experimenting. Update keeps failing. So I downloaded the code and manually cp it Nextcloud/apps/ folder.
Then I got an integrity failure on the files I just installed.
Because I knew almost :wink: sure that the files where genuine I disabled integrity check via config.php as:

'integrity.check.disabled' => true,

I know this is not the best thing to do. But …
I re-logged in to Nextcloud, and the system check is okay.
logged out. And removed the above line from config.php.
After that the integrity check was okay again.
And now Collabora 4.2.602 is running well!

If there is a better way, please advise. For next time then.

The mirror was very slow, and the app wasn’t totally downloaded before the maximum time allowed to do this. In these cases, the best is to wait a few hours and test again…