Nextcloud 18.0.3 tons of PHP error (on several servers)

Hi to all !

On two servers running Debian 10, Apache 2.4 (Debian 10 deb), PHP 7.3 (Debian 10 deb) , PostgreSQL (Debian 10 deb), I’ve tons of these errors:

Error PHP Method OC\L10N\L10NString::__toString() must return a string value at /var/www/html/lib/private/L10N/L10N.php#109
Error PHP vsprintf(): Too few arguments at /var/www/html/lib/private/L10N/L10NString.php#79

Any idea ?

Very thanks

Which language setting do you use? Have you tried to switch to english for testing purposes?


The default language set on Nextcloud 18.0.3 is italian.
There are users sets the english and german language individually.

Thanks !

Are they all reporting the same problem? The message night be related to a problem with the translation file. That’s the reason why I asked you to switch to a different. language. Can you narrow down the problem to a specific page request or activity?

Hi J-ED, thanks for your quick reply !

I see these error messages in PHP only from the admin console, when I view the logging section.
No user reports problems, only the log console.
I can’t set a different default language, there are more than 350 users per single server.
The interesting thing is that this error appears in the console repeatedly every 30 seconds.


I use a cron job to perform background operations set every 5 minutes.

Thanks very much

Issue on Github: