Nextcloud 14 at stuck at Admin User creation


I try to install NextCloud 14 at a managed Debian server.

As so far i could Open My url in My Browser and come to this Point where nextcloud wants to specify an Admin Account and the Database credentials, Ehen i Hit the Accept Button it clears all the fields and Go to “Start” again.

I activated PHP Error Log in the .htaccess and Theres really nothing to see.

Could anyone please Help me

Thank you

What about database log, access log and so on?

Where can i find These two

I don’t know how Hetzner works. Is there a panel you can use to read logs? Or can you connect with ssh and read logs in /var/log?

@splitt3r nice tip but the point is that there has to run some other stuff too.

@MeiRos the php error log is complete emty.

the Server error log says sometimes that favicon cant be load and nothing else.

the only thing is in the Browser Console, there it says this:

[DOM] Multiple forms should be contained in their own form elements; break up complex forms into ones that represent a single action: (More info:

Is this anyhow userfull?

Sorry, I still don’t have any idea.
Is there access.log and mysql.log in /var/log?
How did you install Nextcloud?

@MeiRos the problem is that i dont have any rights to access the files under /var/log cause its a managed server i only have user rights

I have tried to install nextcloud in both of the most common ways, with the Zip file and the install script.

Both bring the same results.

why you choose a managed server?
did you check if you can connect the database from nextcloud?

how should i test it when the damn issue right this is that nextcloud every single time i hit the “finish installation” button the whole paige clears all fields and start from the beginning without any error thrown or direct displayed.

$servername = "localhost";
$username = "username";
$password = "password";

try {
    $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=myDB", $username, $password);
    // set the PDO error mode to exception
    echo "Connected successfully";
catch(PDOException $e)
    echo "Connection failed: " . $e->getMessage();

put this file as db_test.php in the web root of nextcloud and try to access it.

and later delete it again. nextcloud will complain about “alien files”…

Okay guys,

The Problem is solved and it was the dumbest thing that ever could possibly happen.

It was a misconfiguration of the php.ini at the max_upload_size where the value that normally should be 100M was only 100 and so it wasnt able to send requests properly.

The Strange at this Point is that in the logs for which i have the rights to open it, nothing was displayed but okay it is solved and im fine now

Thank you all for your Help

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