NexctloudPi on arm64?

Hi All
Just for info purposes I installed and am running Ubuntu MATE 20.04.1 on the Raspberry Pi4 4gb from the official beta 2 image on the mate website. Getting NextCloud running is a simple process from the standard Ubuntu repos.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nextcloud-desktop

And then simply login and start syncing.

Yeah that is the client software and this thread is about the server side.

So I tried the solution the Original poster had mentioned but I cant seem to get the results he is describing.

@just can you please help out with a link for the NCPs arm64 builds for odroid?
Am using an Odroid HC2 with NCP myself since several years, but this was 32bit from the beginning. Was considering to tryout Collabora in the same device, but without 64bit OS this would not work.

Ncp is built into the Armbian image itself.

Accessible from:

$ sudo armbian-config

I also wrote a post about setting up Armbian docker here:

Note 32bit device will only support 32bit architecture iirc