Newly created user can't see shared folders

I’m running a Nextcloud 18.03 lab for testing purposes, on a SME model (ie manager + staff + clients scheme).

I’m experiencing something that confuses me :

  • I have a “staff” group, with two members (say Jack and John).
    They share a “clients” folder with the appropriate access and rights.
    So far, so good.

  • But when a new staff member (say Peter) is created, and is declared as a member of this same “staff” group, he doesn’t have access to the shared “clients” folder.
    Actually, he doesn’t even see the shared folder, although he is a member of the staff group.

The only way to grant Peter access to the folder, is to cancel and recreate the share.
Then, the newly hired Peter can see and access the folder.

Is this an expected behavior, or am i missing something in the settings or somewhere else ?



I have the same behavior( I think that it was not necessary to cancel the share, just recreate the share it works… maybe im wrong).
I dont know if its an expected behavior but it may seem justifiable not to share old shares with a newcomer.

You can use group folder application, if you add someone to a group, you don’t need to reshare the group folder.


Thanks for your reply, Bastien.

Just tried, again, I confirm the share has to be canceled then recreated :frowning:

Hmm…maybe. Yet, it’s not very handy if there are several existing shares, and frequent newcomers. Quite a lot of clicks (cancelling and recreating the shares, including setting the rights on each share).

Right. I’ll check whether it suits my needs in terms of further modification of the share (upload rights for instance).

Anyway, thanks for your input.

Well, il looks like the upgrade to 18.04 fixed the problem!
Now a newly created user who is assigned to a group does inherit of all the accesses to the shares of his group(s), with the correct rights.
Makes me feel much better…
Thanks Nextcloud team, you are champions !