Ncp-dist-upgrade on 64bit


for a while now nextcloudpi suggests that there is a dist upgrade available and i am tempted to install it. However, i have installed ncp via curl installer onto an initially clean debian buster 64bit minimal Server and am not sure if sudo-ncp-dist-upgrade will keep this situation as is, as i did that back then to install collabora code server into nextcloud, which requires 64bit system.

That is also close to my user case, I made a snapshot of my system, just in case something went wrong and I would need to restore.
But ncp-dist-upgrade did the job on my VM and been running Debian11 ever since without issues.

I use a Dockerised OnlyOffice in a separate VM

There is a thread on ncp-dist-upgrade NCP upgrade to Debian Bullseye thread - #75 by jacremer