NC30 where is Mail's new filtering UI?

Nextcloud version: 30.0.0
Operating system and version : SmartOS
Apache or nginx version: nginx 1.26.2
PHP version: 8.2
Mail: 4.0

Watching the Hub 9 demo at 4361s there’s a snazzy UI presented that lets the user add some sieve filtering. How do I access this UI? I don’t see anywhere how to create these rules except to hand edit the sieve filter rules I have in an embedded text editor.

Sorry, the feature didn’t make it into Mail 4.0.

We will release it as soon as possible.

Work in progress on GitHub:

It’s sad it made it into the marketing, but I am happy that I can at least edit my sieve rules directly. Thank you!

This was the main reason for me to update to NC30 :sob:

Is there already an estimated date?

Lol literally same here. Being here now, I am bummed at how slow Nextcloud Mail loads mail from IMAP. It seems like it is fetching whole mailboxes almost each time. It’s significantly slower than Thunderbird, by massive amounts. Otherwise I am impressed how far the UI has come.

The nice sieve editing UI, I am very excited for. At least now I can go in and edit my sieve script directly, but it is the actual sieve file. Which is okay for me, but I want to have the new UI present so other users can enjoy the benefits without having to know sieve