NC20 shares duplicates

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After upgrading to NextCloud 20, when user share file or folder using link it duplicates. I have duplicate records in oc_share. Both links are also visible in GUI for users.

Steps to replicate it:

  1. Login to NextCloud
  2. Go to your files
  3. Click the share icon
  4. Create new share link
  5. Refresh page
  6. Click the share icon - now I see duplicate share links. Only one of them is working and they have different URL.

Nextcloud version: 20.0.8
Operating system and version: 18.0.4
Apache: Apache 2.4.29
PHP version: 7.3

Nextcloud config file:

    $CONFIG = array (
      'instanceid' => '',
      'passwordsalt' => '',
      'secret' => '',
      'trusted_domains' =>
      array (

      'datadirectory' => '',
      'overwrite.cli.url' => '',
      'dbtype' => 'mysql',
      'version' => '',
      'dbname' => 'nextcloud',
      'dbhost' => '',
      'dbport' => '',
      'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
      'dbuser' => '',
      'dbpassword' => '',
      'logtimezone' => 'UTC',
      'installed' => true,
      'maintenance' => false,
      'skeletondirectory' => '',
      'theme' => '',
      'log_type' => 'file',
      'logfile' => '/var/log/nextcloud.log',
      'loglevel' => 2,
      'ldapIgnoreNamingRules' => false,
      'ldapProviderFactory' => 'OCA\\User_LDAP\\LDAPProviderFactory',
      'mail_smtpmode' => 'smtp',
      'mail_smtpdebug' => true,
      'mail_smtphost' => '',
      'mail_smtpport' => '',
      'mail_from_address' => '',
      'mail_domain' => '',
      '' => 'stable',
      'mail_sendmailmode' => 'smtp',
      'twofactor_enforced' => 'false',
      'twofactor_enforced_groups' =>
      array (
      'twofactor_enforced_excluded_groups' =>
      array (
      'updater.secret' => '',
      'mysql.utf8mb4' => false,
      'memcache.local' => '\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu',

Fantastic, you successfully managed to login to this forum, write a subject and collect some system related information. Next I would recommend to add a DETAILED step-by-step description, using more than 3 words, so that everyone on the forum will able to understand your problem and can try to reproduce it.

BTW, If you prefix and postfix the provided configuration settings with a line containing three back-ticks (```) it will better readable :wink:

Hello. Thank you for your posted. I’ve updated some information.

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce nor confirm that issue. Can you please provide a screenshot how it looks like on your server?

Screen from my NextCloud:

  • Which web browser are you using to access Nextcloud?
  • Have you enabled any 3rd-party browser addons?
  • Have you tested it using a different browser and a clean broser profile?

I was trying on Chrome, Firefox and Edge.
I don’t have any 3rd party addons.
I was testing it using this three browsers.

I have same behavior on test and production servers.

I can’t repro it on NC21 (docker+apache+traefik with Firefox)