NC18 - Most LDAP User not showing all groups


I’ve already configured the LDAP and working but somehow there seems to be a lot of user groups not showing except for domain users only at users page. This setup is for AD user to acquire their shared folder defined at group folder based on their AD Group.

Folder Name: Finance
Groups: FIN(AD Group)
Quota: 1TB
Advance Permission: None


  1. User01 and User02 is within FIN(ADGroup) and able to login into the portal but Finance Folder doesn’t show

  2. User03 added into FIN(AD Group) and able to login into portal and Finance Folder shows up. Tried removing and adding back into FIN(AD Group) and works accordingly

3.User04(newly created AD account) added into FIN(AD Group) and able to login into the portal but Finance Folder doesn’t show up

Additional note: When checked at users page only User03 shows FIN and other defined groups in AD at the Groups Column

Am I missing some settings? Please do kindly advise.