NC 19 Update - external Storage support


was updating from 18.0.3 to 18.0.6. The updater was free from errors, but after disable maintenance mode I got an internal server error.

Reinstalled with fresh version 19.0.1 - same error.

I had to rename/remove the files_external folder.

So I want to know, if there is any possibility to get external storage support for nc 19, otherwise if there is an milestone for that? (Searched already in github but didn’t find a topic match for that).


Check the Nextcloud log file for any related errors to identify the root cause of the problem. Additionally you can download the Nextcloud 19.0.1 archive from the website and extract the files_external app folder to make sure that th files haven’t been corrupted.

Well it doesn’t matter which version of the files_external app I use. I will check the log files.
Curiously, same error on a fresh installation, with a new database, but another installation is working fine.