NC 12 Cannot Be Processed By The Script Error

I am using apache.
I have not done the rewrite like you mentioned, but I did leave nextcloud as the default of my IP. I have changed it now. Guess I won’t be getting these any more

I have that issue too, so you can configure fail2ban if a client generates too much 404s then it gets blocked?

I have configured a new filter in /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nextcloud2.conf

The content is:

before = common.conf

failregex = Trusted domain error. \\"<HOST>\\" tried to access using \\"<replace_by_your_ip>*\\" as host.
ignoreregex =

You also need to add the jail filter in:
In /etc/fain2ban/jail.local
I have


enabled  = true
port     = http,https
filter   = nextcloud2
logpath  = /var/log/nextcloud.log
maxretry     = 1
findtime     = 1
bantime  = 604800  ; 1 week

You need to put your own IP, and your nextcloud log file for fail2ban to read.

An access using the IP will ban the IP for a week.

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Just get something simular. At first there is:

  • Warning core
  • Trusted domain error. “” tried to access using “” as host.
  • 2017-10-04T23:38:02+0200

Where “” is the "Technische Universitaet Muenchen"
Then comes:

  • Error PHP
  • Exception: The requested uri(/.well-known/ct/v1/sct-feedback) cannot be processed
  • by the script ‘/core/templates/404.php’) at /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/AppFramework/Http/Request.php#729
  • 2017-10-04T23:38:03+0200

for 8 times within 2 seconds.

Very strange, is this serious?

Need to add that the requested uri differs each message:

  • uri(/.well-known/ct/v1/sct-gossip)
  • uri(/ct/v1/sct-gossip) c
  • uri(/ct/v1/sth-gossip)
  • uri(/.well-known/ct/v1/collected-sct-feedback)
  • uri(/ct/v1/sct-feedback)
  • uri(/.well-known/ct/v1/sth-pollination)
  • uri(/topleveldir/subdir/research-feedback)

Somebody trying different options?

Same log messages on my system but with different urls.

Looks like was trying many nextcloud domains. Wonder if this means some vulnerability was found.

I also spent quite a lot of time investing such issues on my site. As usually all my paranoiac thoughts where explained really simply :blush:

The guilty party was OpenVAS security scanner, which once a week scanned my server for vulnerabilities from different network…

Yeah, OpenVAS scans a lot of things which is pretty awesome. It is another good tool for keeping your systems/network secure.