Moving files to a User folder


Is there a way to move files directly into a users files folder.
I have a bunch of files already on the server and simply want to put them into a users files folder so as not to have to upload these to the server again.

When I move files there next cloud does not see them, is there no way to may nextcloud scan that folder for new files?

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As Admin create an “External Storage” type “Local”.

Or you can share the files. But then the user has to use the App Move to copy them into his own folders.

On the server copy the files into the folder …/data/ then run the occ command from your nextcloud main folder occ files:scan or --path=/path/to/data/to/folder/to/rescan

@RuudschMaHinda: Are you sure? I learned in the past (version 6 or so) that this is not a good idea!?!?

Is it working now without any database trouble?

It does for me. I don’t use it that often - may be 5 to 10 times a year and I do have hourly snapshots which minimize my risk. So: Backup your install and do it. It should work without problems. This isn’t something to be done reguarly, since it is a heavy load to put on your system. It took around 8 minutes for 50 GB on one account. If you regularly need to transfer files like that, you should maybe try and make an ftp-share available.

You shouldn’t do that in your data-folder. You can use an external storage which can be modified by other processes as well.