Moving a folder from one Group Folder to another causes partial duplication of files


I am currently faced with the following problem:

I am moving folder ONE from the group folder ALPHA to another group folder to another group folder BRAVO. The folder ONE is moved correctly no issues there, but in folder ALPHA the empty directory structure is recreated by a random user, that had folder ONE synced to their device.

The move of folder ONE is done through the webUI of nextcloud, so server side and not client side.

Does any one know what component of nextcloud is causing this issue? Or is any one else experiencing this issue? Help or any pointers would be greatly appreciated :smiley:

Check groupfolders github repo for related issues. I stopped using it for similar reasons.

Same for me. Duplicated file occurs when I move one file in a directory. The file is moved, but then after 1 minute in the original path it is re-created.

At the end I have two identical files in different places. Huge problem, I stopped to sue group folders, reverted to shared folders owned by users (hoping the proble will disappear…)