More results per page in fulltext search


I have installed NC 19.08
When i use fulltext search and the count of results is let’s say 110 only 3 or 4 (differs) results are shown per page but 37 pages are shown.
How can i increase the number of results shown on the Page?

best regards

You edit this file:
setSize, I have it set to 25 in this example.

//              $this->setEmptySearch($this->getBool('empty_search', $arr, false));
                $this->setPage($this->getInt('page', $arr, 0));
                $this->setParts($this->getArray('parts', $arr, []));
                $this->setSize($this->getInt('size', $arr, 25));
                $this->setOptions($this->getArray('options', $arr, []));
                $this->setMetaTags($this->getArray('metatags', $arr, []));
                $this->setSubTags($this->getArray('subtags', $arr, []));
                $this->setTags($this->getArray('tags', $arr, []));

                return $this;