Mixed Chinese/English language

Why is the language mixed? How can i change that?

I downloaded Nextcloudpi, Version NextCloudPi_RPi_07-20-19.img.
Raspberry Pi 3

I tried it again with a fresh sd-card on a raspberry 4. Every thing is updated via ncp-update, apt-get uprade, apt-get dist-upgrade.
What else can i do?

maybe this stuff isnt fully translated, yet?

Unfortunately you’re not writing to which app the screenshot is associated and what language you’ve exactly been configure. Base on Transfix this is the current translation state:


The screenshot is from the NextcloudPi Web Based Management. How can i change the language? I cant find any option regarding the language.

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Here you will find information about NextcloudPi and also about how the translation is done. Interestingly the Chinese language is explicitly been mentioned :wink:

I have the same problem with NextCloudPi_RPi_03-28-20. Have you found any solution?

things need to be translated in order to be shown in that language… so depending upon language and involved apps/software it might need some effort to get everything translated. and reviewed…
translations for nextcloud and most of the apps are done via transifex.com

After long time I tried again NextCloudPi and I found a quick fix.
I created a file in /var/www/ncp-web/l10n/ with name en.json
In this file I added:
“translations”: {
“Configure NxtCloudPi features”: “Configure NxtCloudPi features”,
“Run”: “Run”,
“This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please %s enable JavaScript %s and reload the page.”: “This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please %s enable JavaScript %s and reload the page.”