Migration strategy for nextcloud

Dear community nextcloud, good morning.
We have the owncloud solution implemented in the company in version 9.0.4 and Redhat and we are scheduling the migration to nextcloud.
What is the best migration strategy?
Thanks in advance for all the help available

I would try to stay with supported versions, so perhaps first to OC 9.1, then go to NC 11 and to NC 12. Don’t go to the very latest owncloud 10, with the latest version, the upgrade strategies still need to be updated and sometimes you are blocked until a new release with the fixes in NC comes out.

Make a backup before. If you use apps that you like very much, make sure that they are available on the NC version you are planning to use, check on apps.nextcloud.com.
I had a rather old setup from ownCloud, I made a copy and tried to upgrade the copy before to avoid bad surprises.

Thank you for your suggestion.
Let’s study the best way to do it.

if you have an installation procedure in Red Hat 7 or the list of packages needed

We recently did the upgrade from 8.1.x to nextcloud 12. Steps were as follows:
8.1.9 --> 8.1.12 --> 8.2.11 --> 9.0.10 --> 9.1.6 --> nextcloud 10.0.5 --> 11.0.5 --> 12.0.3

The upgrade procedure is in the official docs. We did all manually as described there: switch off, backup, download, replace folder, copy back config, chown, occ upgrade, switch on

Things we noticed:

  • migration to nextcloud from owncloud10.0.3 didn’t work, tried several ways
  • upgrade from nextcloud 10 --> 11, one column in table oc_accounts had to be renamed from id to uid
  • migration to nextcloud first was not possible, since that would have been a downgrade from to --> so we just changed version in config.php to and all worked well

Have fun :slight_smile: