Migrating from edu-nuage to monnuage, but how?


I’m a french teacher, and I use the edu-nuage Nextcloud solution (https://edu-nuage.ac-versailles.fr/). It will be replaced by a new cloud named monnuage (https://monnuage.ac-versailles.fr/).

Nextcloud recommends to move our data from edu-nuage to monnuage, but how ? Is there a way to do this automatically ?

Thanks !


For the administrators, there could be ways to migrate it automatically. As a user this is more difficult. If you can do the federated sharing, you can share a folder on the new setup to the user on your old setup. This folder on the new setup is then visible in your old and you can copy data into that. Advantage would be that the data is transferred directly between the servers (which have a rather fast connection) and you don’t have to download and reupload.

If that is not possible, perhaps ask your IT service if they can help you (in case you have many files).

Do you remove the Nextcloud to another software? I hope not.

The url
https://monnuage.ac-versailles.fr redirects to
Arrêt de Monnuage
and that looks like Nextcloud and then redirect to a SSO-service hopefully for nextcloud.

I think if you only change the name you must:

  • change the nextcloud in all nextcloud-apps (android, iOS) all users
  • change server settings config/config. php (to the new server name)
  • configure SSO if not configured

The old and new nextcloud serves are on the same system (
Is this the same nextcloud instance?

If all yes perhaps you can temporary use both names.

Thank you for your answer, I will try to share all my data with the new cloud.

Is there really a new cloud on the same system? Please post more details.

Thank you for your answer. Yes, boths clouds are Nextcloud solutions. I don’t know why we change.

In the first one, I have a lot of data, my work. In the second one, nothing. And no guideline to migrate, or something like that.

Ok. Do you know the software-versions of the nextclouds?

If there is nothing in the new cloud why do you migrate?

For migrating you must backup and restore the database and files. Because you use the same server, you perhaps do not need every part.

If you only use a few users and a few shares in your old nextcloud perhaps you can only copy the nextcloud-data-dir from the old cloud to the new nextcloud-data-dir and then “rescan” the new database. In this case you must defined the users before copy manually and shares per user after copy. In this case you must not dump and restore the database.


The old one will disappear.

My IT service answered : they work on the problem.

Thanks to all !